What are the Most Common Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome?

What are the Most Common Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition and one of the main reasons people visit the eye doctor. It occurs when your tears no longer provide enough lubrication for your eyes.

Dry eye syndrome can make your eyes feel unhealthy and dehydrated. There are many causes for dry eye syndrome.

If your dry eyes persist, it is crucial to see your eye doctor for treatment to avoid damaging your eyes. Keep reading to learn more about the most common symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

How Do You know if You Have Dry Eye Syndrome?

If your eyes feel uncomfortable, sting, burn, or itch, it may be from dry eye syndrome. You may experience a variety of symptoms in both of your eyes that could include:

  • Redness
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Trouble driving at night
  • Light sensitivity
  • Mucus around your eyes
  • Watery eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Eye fatigue
  • The feeling that you have something in your eyes

If eye drops and changes to your diet don’t resolve these issues, you may have dry eye syndrome.

What Causes Dry Eye Syndrome?

There are many causes of dry eyes, but environmental dry eyes are different than dry eye syndrome. Here are some of the common causes of dry eyes and dry eye syndrome:

  • Allergies
  • Having eyelid problems
  • Too much screen time
  • Wearing the wrong contact lenses
  • Using bad eye drops
  • Sleeping in your contact lenses or wearing them for too long
  • Certain medications that cause drying symptoms
  • Smoking
  • Not wearing sunglasses outdoors
  • Being dehydrated
  • Wearing heavy eye makeup that can block your tear glands
  • Clogged tear glands

You May Not Be Producing Enough Tears

As you age, your eyes may not be able to produce enough tears to stay hydrated and lubricated. Thyroid disorders and a lack of Vitamin A can contribute to this problem.

Certain medications can also contribute. These include prescriptions for high blood pressure, birth control, and antidepressants.

But the leading cause of dry eye syndrome is blocked meibomian glands. These glands line your eyelids and produce the oil necessary for healthy tears.

Your eye doctor can determine if this is your problem through a comprehensive eye examination. Lacking oil in your tears can increase tear evaporation and dry eyes.

Blocked glands can result in meibomian gland dysfunction. This chronic condition requires treatment by your eye doctor.

When Should You See the Eye Doctor?

Have you been experiencing dry eye symptoms for a prolonged period without relief? If you have been, make an appointment with your eye doctor.

They can examine your eyes to see what’s causing your dry eye syndrome. Depending on the cause, they can prescribe eye drops or take other steps to improve your eye function.

Your eye doctor will determine if your eyes are underproducing tears or if your tears are poor-quality. It is essential to have a professional examine your eyes. If you don’t, you risk inflammation or damage to the surface of your eye.

How Do You Treat Dry Eye Syndrome?

Soothing, moisturizing eye drops are the most common treatment for dry eyes. But other treatments may include lifestyle changes and addressing the root causes of your dry eyes.

Would you like to address your dry eyes finally? Schedule an appointment at Metro Eye Care in Paramus, NJ, to get long-lasting relief!

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Paramus, NJ 07652
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Suite 201
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417